Buyers Roadmap
Decide to Buy
Buying a home is certainly one of the most rewarding experiences most of us ever have; it's also one of the most challenging. If you're buying for the first time, the process may seem overwhelming. And even if you've been through it several times, every move is different and presents new challenges. With that in mind you need to ask yourself a few questions.
Why Do You Want To Buy A Home?
Are you tired of paying rent? Have you outgrown your current home – do you need more bedrooms or a home office? Would you like a larger yard, or are you tired of yard work? Would you rather live in a different neighborhood? Do you want to be closer to work, school, recreation, or family? Having a good idea of your reasons will help you choose the home that best “fits” your needs.
Has Your Income Grown?
Take advantage of your new good fortune – Historically, home ownership has been a very good investment. Also, home ownership can provide a means of “forced savings”: every month, part of a fully-amortized mortgage is applied toward paying down the principal part of your loan, thus building your equity over time in addition to any market appreciation in your area.
Can You Afford To Buy A Home?
Experts recommend spending between 33-40% of your income on housing. If you’re renting, you might be shocked when you add up what you’ve spent on rent over the years. Many people find the tax advantages of home ownership make it less expensive than renting! Click here to work through our rent vs. buy calculator.
Down Payment Blues?
While there may be advantages to making a down payment, many loan programs today allow you to buy your home with little or no down payment…click here for further details in our finance center.
Do You Need A Tax Break?
You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that you could afford to spend more money each month on a larger mortgage, because the tax benefits from your mortgage can actually lower your income taxes! Click here to go to our finance center.